governments world wide are watching the herd very carefully! too many people or too many poor people can change things quickly if people get hungry. revolutions are created by hunger or supression of the people. Interesting how many people are now unionizing at the ballet box for 15 dollar wages because so many people can't get a job that pay's wages to live on. If you watch the weakening of the unions to accept low pay and no benefits or no work as a threat to leave and the greedy politicians backing the corporations with there billions of dollars in the bank just for tax revenue, you have been witnessing going back 100 years before the unions arrived when people worked for nothing.very few polititions work for the people, just corporations as you can witness with every legeslation they create.
We haven't really seen the inflation that is comming! kids are getting dumbed down generations at a time with video games,tv and drugs either prescription or soon to be legal pot. very few parents sit around the table for dinner to discuss what is going on in there lives and politics that is distroying the life people could almost have but is very unacheavable for most now. dumb parents create dumber kids and its all for ones self now because these kids will be the leaders of the future.
change is here in full force and you are right to say your health is more valuable than anything. but most people only care about health when they lose it.