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AF should be called Anorexic Fatigue
natway Views: 1,263
Published: 10 y

AF should be called Anorexic Fatigue

So-called "adrenal fatigue" is not a real condition and, therefore, not accepted as a legitimate diagnosis by the Medical Community. The reason is because your adrenal glands do not get "fatigued" from too much stress. Most people that have been labeled with "adrenal fatigue" actually have high cortisol levels which shows their adrenal glands are working just fine (adrenals would only be producing low cortisol levels if they were truly fatigued).

However, the symptoms that have been attributed to so-called "adrenal fatigue" just happen to be the same exact symptoms as starvation/anorexia and it should be no surprise that "adrenal fatigue" gets labeled more often in women than men because more women suffer from eating disorders than men do. Under-eating can also cause high cortisol levels.

I'm not saying everyone who's been labeled by an alternative practitioner or thinks they have so-called "adrenal fatigue" (AF) is anorexic, or even has an eating disorder, but almost everyone I have observed that thinks or has been told they have "AF" definitely has a history of under-eating, whether on purpose or accidental, so if "AF" should be called anything, it should more accurately be called "Anorexic Fatigue" because the fatigue people are experiencing in these cases are not being caused by "burned-out" adrenals, but from prolonged calorie-restriction, like the fatigue an anorexic would get.


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