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Almost ran from my classes screaming
Miesry91 Views: 2,884
Published: 11 y

Almost ran from my classes screaming

So today was the first day back for the semester. I go to a huge school with a shit ton of students. I have the same a**ho**s from my previous math classes into my new one. I'm usually very good at avoiding people on campus anyway I get to math class and everyone there is sniffling, I look up to see people staring in my direction. Some girl sprayed perfume sneakily through her purse cuz she sits right behind me. And then waiting for the recitation to begin. these butch loud mouth dykes lacrosse girl players are yelling aloud eww she stinks and the whole class practical joins in out in the hall. I just pretended not to hear or bother looking up. I wear music playing so I don't hear the remarks when they walk past. So embarrassing I felt the room closing in on me. I wanted to die right there


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