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Re Aganulocytosis with DMSA

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joegrane Views: 2,210
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Re Aganulocytosis with DMSA

"Just had my 2 Amalgams removed last week and I'm about to start the AC protocol with low dose DMSA (12.5 mg).

== Congratulations on getting the mercury removed! If they were not removed by an Hg free dentist, you might want to get a followup xray to look for remaining amalgam, especially if you get strange headaches or jaw pain while on round.

"Cutler mentions that agranulocytosis can occur with DMSA use.

== I think you are confusing agranulocytosis with neutropenia.

== I did a search for agranulocytosis in nearly 15 yrs of Cutler's posts in the yahoo groups and the term never came up in conjunction with DMSA--only a question about vinpocetine.

== A search of the googlebooks version of Cutler's Amalgam Illness book only resulted in a comment about a psychiatric medication unrelated to chelation.

"This is concerning for me;

== You'd be wise to be aware of the issue of DMSA and neutropenia, especially if you battle candida/yeast.

"how often does this occur and what are the symptoms? I'd imagine this is more common with the larger doses of DMSA (100 mg+) and if taken for a long time (how long though?).

== I won't pretend to be able to fully explain this but neutrophils naturally helps the body to keep yeast in check. There is a video clip on wikipedia's neutrophil page of a n. having some candida for lunch.

== I learned--the hard way--that I cannot chelate if I'm fighting a cold or just recovered from one in the past couple of days. I'll likely get a relapse. However, I've not had problems with my low doses of DMSA (<25mg) over the past 3.5 yrs. However a close female friend can only do DMSA + ALA rounds every month or so or she starts to suspect a potential yeast problem.

== A sizable minority of the active members in the Yahoo groups do not tolerate DMSA well for one reason or another. The problems seem to become more likely when people go over 50mg doses. There is some thought among group veterans that there may never be a need to go over 75mg or so DMSA for a mercury problem. ALA is the primary chelator in Cutler's system.

== DMPS has a much better reputation in this area. My female friend is one example.

== Unless you struggle with yeast or nasty immune system problems, I don't want to discourage you from trying DMSA. I've used it with good results. I've never bothered to use DMPS even though I have access to it.

== Cutler has some tips in his writings for battling yeast and supporting neutrophils. I think zinc is near the top of the list.

== Don't forget that generous amounts of vitamin C and E (antioxidants) are a required part of the protocol. Mg and Zn are also in his short list.

== Joe


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