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Re: Used Zapper with parasite treatment. Interesting result.

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

parazapper Views: 1,587
Published: 11 y
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Re: Used Zapper with parasite treatment. Interesting result.

Yes, I know that, but since the body is fairly evenly covered with a fairly uniform skin, it is in essence going to take the shortest path across the body. The skin itself has a high resistance, but oils, sweat, and salts on the surface make the surface conduct better than the skin does itself.

There are exceptions to this, naturally. If you significantly abrade the skin, it makes it easier for electricity to pass through the skin but even then, the signal still effectively passes in a straight line through the body following the lowest resistance.

Additionally, the contacts on the unit discussed are so close together that there is little alternative but for at least 90 percent of the signal to go straight from one electrode to the other.

Regardless of the theoretical discussion, the closeness of the electrodes combined with the small electrode size, seriously limits the range and effectiveness of that particular unit, especially when compared to the same signal applied through a 4 point contact system, 3 points positive, when applied to the extremities.

I do not say that this is just for my zappers but applies to any zapper with larger electrodes that are placed at the extremities.

The larger the electrode contact area, the lower the skin resistance.

The further apart that the electrodes are placed, the greater the portion of the body that will be reached.


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