Most Americans have problems sleeping or some type of sleep difficulty. I sleep extremely well. This article has different high power ways to help you to sleep better. There are even yoga poses or postures to help with insomnia. Stress may be the biggest cause of insomnia or sleep problems.
It also tells about the new research that shows that sleeping is very effective for brainwashing. Note the myth that you can program someone's brain like a computer has been shown to be just as nonsensical to call brain programming brainwashing when washing means to clean. But this new research shows that while someone is sleeping their brain gets cleaned of toxins including those that cause dementia.
Also it deals with the idea that you can sleep too long. Also something else is being done while you are sleeping that is totally ignored. When someone is sleeping, they are also fasting. That is why the first meal of the day is called break-fast. See 9 Ways to Sleep Much Better,.