I had all four impacted wisdom teeth removed December 27th, almost a month ago I noticed January 10th that I had a hole in my sinus when blowing up balloons for my brothers birthday party. And two days ago my bottom right socket became very very swollen so swollen that my mom made a comment about the way I sounded speaking she said I sound like I have marbles in my mouth. The swollen socket is on the same side that the hole in my sinus is on and today I noticed my right lymph node is swollen quite large and my whole jaw on the right side hurts to touch. Ever since my surgery I've felt like an elephant is sitting on my chest, meaning it's been hard to breathe it's even harder now that I'm all swollen. I have a dentist appointment with my surgeon on Monday but my question is should I go into the ER Saturday or Sunday to make sure I'm okay or do you think I could wait until Monday?