I'm sorry about your difficulties. Just a passer-by who would like to give a suggestion. For what it's worth. Have the tooth out. You might use some clove oil mixed with some olive oil on a cotton ball to help pull some of the poison out. I suppose you could oil pull with some drops of clove in the oil. Be careful, it's hot. Put it on the gums in the area of the tooth with a cotton ball. Castor oil packs are pretty good on an area to help. They will get rid of inflmmation. Put a heating pad over them. Your basic concern is infection and all the other fillings in your mouth that have mercury in them. PLUS getting that tooth out. Not good and I understand your not wanting to use a powerful Antibiotic that will upset your digestive flora. Chopped up garlic is a good systemic Antibiotic that works against all kinds of microbial stuff. Chop a clove up, let it set for 20 minutes to activate the allicin in it, the put some olive oil on it and swallow the small pieces with some juice. You can do it as many times a day as you need to. It will help your over-all immunity against infection. Can't hurt to try.