Re: i disagree, with a caveat
Of course you want to see published research in medical journals. This is exactly at the crux of the problem:
Iodine can't be patented and therefore NO ONE is going to spend $$Millions for research for a natural mineral that sells for $10. That is just not going to happen.
However we do have confirming research from multiple doctors that
Iodine kills cancer cells via a process called Apoptosis.
See all of this research in the chapter Cancer here:
In other words, we have more than Dr. Brownstein's research. I've also made it my business to document all prostate cases I can find that are cured with iodine, including Prostate Cancers.
I've also instructed men who have success with
Iodine curing their Prostate to post their testimonials here at the Curezone.
My Prostate Testimonials are growing rapidly, with more to come. See Prostate here:
Also see Cancer in the testimonials.
Iodine as been THE MAJOR medicine used by doctors for over 100 years including Prostate, and the Drug Companies have destroyed & censored that history, and have also removed iodine from Med School training. If everyone in the USA started taking iodine, drug company profits would PLUNGE. Very profitble diseases like Fibrocystic breasts & breast cancer, ovary cysts, uterus problems, thyroid problems would all become history.
We don't have any prostate cancer testimonials yet, but I'm certain they will be coming in as men discover that iodine really does work miracles. I am convinced that Iodine is the Miracle from God, and the Curezone is the Hand of God.