I never had any specification dosage. To be honest this method worked with me for a while in that there would be no bleeding when I went, but it did not help me with regularity or movement of the bowels. In retrospect I don't think it was a good long term solution for me. I think my stomach was too alkaline. I did everything one is supposed to do to prevent hemorrhoids like eat lots of vegetables and salad etc... but I felt my stomach would not process the food properly. I did at one point for a limited period take baking soda and I wouldn't be surprised if it made my hemorrhoids worse because of alkalinity. So instead I started drinking coffee with honey. I know on a health forum like this people don't like any mention of coffee, but it did help me with the constipation and bowel stimulation, and so drinking a cup of coffee was for me more effective that this protocol. Any thoughts on this?