Three weeks into Valium UPDOSE. Feel Terrible.
Hey Uny (it's ray34iyf),
Since up dosing from 10mg --> 15mg Valium, I have had a few windows of a few days where I've felt almost as good as I did before I started tapering (with minimal symptoms), and many days where I'm having terrible symptoms.
I am so damn tired all the time, and my whole body feels weak and spongy like I could collapse many a time as I'm walking..
..memory issues are horrible, and my muscles are very rigid most of the time. Just on the edge, hard to speak, etc.
..and then for a period of time, it seems every few days, the symptoms go away and I feel great.
Is this the nature of updosing? I think it's built to a steady state in my blood and I'm just adjusting to the updose??
This seems eerily similar to all of the other updoses that I've done since September from 7.5 all the way up to 15mg.
PS: I CAN live like this as long as I know I'm doing all I can do. I just need to know how to proceed and how long I could reasonably wait for symptoms to abate.