Re: Basal Cell Carcinoma~Black Salve or BEC5??
Both the black salve and the BEC5 can cause some pain and scarring; I find this too invasive.
You have to look at your cancer as a whole, it may be on your skin but you must realize, your skin is the largest organ of your body and thus connected to the whole; your cancer if not treated in the targeted area as well as targeting the cause, it may spread beyond the point of origin. Sun exposure is often considered the culprit or sole causative effect of exposure but therein is the myth. Too much sun, hurts the skin, weakens it and with other toxic or chemical building blocks will cause cancer to begin.
I cannot tell you much more without know more about your particular case, then only options can be presented for you to consider. We don't sell anything. If you want some explanations of options google Jesicha's Hope, there is a list of supplements, options and treatments available for all cancers as well as some good articles and links. Basal cell carcinoma is something you need to deal with before it spreads. Let me know if you need further help, I will be glad to see what I can do.