Dealing with this for 10 years, new member help
Ever since i can remember as a teen I had chapped lips that I would bite off or peel the layers of skin. I am pretty sure that is what started all of this, also probably over sun exporsure with no sunscreen before all this.
In middle school i became a chapstick addict, it seemed to solve the problem. I would have chapstick on 24/7 and whenever any skin would peel off I would usually take a shower and scrub it off with a towel.
Only recently about a year ago I started having adverse reactions to most chapsticks including natural kind such as burts bees. It seemed like all the layers of my lips would peel off and I would get tiny blisters from irration due to food, salt, or contact.
I switched from chapstick to aquaphor, it helped with the blisters but if i constantly have aquaphor on my skin doesnt seem to grow. With priolong use my lips are very sensitive and I always develope angular chilities (if only using aquaphor) i believe that is due to the constant moisture in the corners of my lips. So Then i switched to using lysine in the corners and Auqaphor everywhere else. This treatment never made anything better eventually my lips cant take the constant presence of aquaphor and I have to stop using it for a while to do a peel cycle.
When i try to not use anything my lip skin gets tight, a crack forms in the same spot, the skin bubbles up and puffs out deatching from my lip and after they peel the skin undernearth is extremely tight/shiny and seems to have no elasticity. A few hours with no aquaphor after waking up and a single smile the thin layer of skin in the same place cracks again as it always does and the peel cycle beings again.
From what I've read a lot of you are managing it with constant moisture, I was doing that 10 yrs ago and still am. It hasnt really changed anything.
I am trying natural anti inflammatorys, such as eating atleast a teaspoon of tumeric a day, and drinking green tea.
I also tried slicing a cucumber letting it soak into my lip and then appliying coconut oil, it didnt really do anything different but keep my lips from peeling for a longer period of time and making the dry skin very thick and yellow.
Any advice???