My cat Fluffy has pneumonia. I took him to the hospital today and they did x-rays. Due to Fluffy having the pneumonia for a long time they had to start agressive treatments. So I will have to take Fluffy to the vet every day for shots. I refused to leave him there. So send the prayers guys.
My holiday begins with love and concentrates on #doingnicethingsforme If something upsets you today, REMEMBER to REMOVE it from your life. Concentrate on #doingsometinggoodforme today. Holidays are not always about family. Sometimes we are alone and #doingsomethingniceforme is so important.
After taking my cat to the vet the taxi which cost me $70 took me to the largest mall in Amman so I could start #doingsomethingniceforme There I bought Fluffy tons of healthy foods and kitty litter and a few things I wanted too. I was rushing around but found some lovely things like a Krupps Coffee Grinder I have been wanting, a halal turkey #yummy and some absolutely wonderful broccoli.
Fluffy screamed at me for an hour when I got back to the car as he wanted to go home. The good part was that was the first day in 1 week Fluffy could talk. Having hopes that Fluffy can beat this. Fluffy is having a rough night but there is always tomorrow.
As for my plans tomorrow, yep #doingsomethingniceforme.