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Possibility of surgery - avoidable w/ water fast?

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Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Stamos990 Views: 2,004
Published: 12 y

Possibility of surgery - avoidable w/ water fast?

Hi folks,

I was very recently diagnosed with chronic appendicitis. My appendix had ruptured a few months back and developed and abscess which was drained. They never performed surgery to remove it.

I've had lingering pain in my RLQ abdomen since then and had posted a few weeks back thinking it was adhesions/scar tissue/nerve damage. It turns out after further imaging, I have chronic appendicitis.

I am seeing a surgeon for a consult in 1 and half weeks. The doctor thinks they will most likely recommend an appendectomy.

I have no other symptoms aside from mild pain that increases with solid food intake.

It seems my appendix when it ruptured left a stump (about 2.5 cm long) and is constantly inflamed and possibly blocked by a fecalith or trapped air. Everytime I press on the area it is tender and I release a lot of gas without fail.

Here are the things I have done so far to try to heal:

1. Juice fasted for 2 weeks (beginning of Dec)
2. Water fasted (nothing but water) for 9 days up until now
3. Castor oil packs 3 nights on 3 nights off
4. Hot/cold shower therapy on area every other day (15 seconds hot, 15 seconds cold water x7)

Since I started Water Fasting the pain has gone down substantially and only flares up during my castor oil pack periods.

What I'm asking and praying for is that do any of you in your experience and wisdom think I will be able to heal this through water fasting? I've heard of it regenerating organs, curing cancer but my appendix is half missing from the rupture so I don't know. The fact that after 2 weeks of juicing and 9 days of Water Fasting and I still have mild pain (on the odd day) is discouraging. This has been an ordeal for me and any encouragement or harsh truth would be most welcome.

Here is the medical diagnosis from my imaging:

"There is at tubular fluid-filled structures with edeamtous wall (4 mm) extending from the right iliac fossa to the inlet. It has a 14x12mm luminal diameter and at least 25mm in length. A small echogenic density with shadowing in the lumen of the tip is likely representing either an appendicolith or air trapped in it.

A 1 x 1.2 cm clear fluid collection is seen adjacent to its tip together with a few small benign reactive lymph nodes.

Impression: Mild chronic appendicitis associated with minimal peri-appendix fluid and reactive lymphnode"

Thank you all in advance.


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