Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Well, in a few days -- usually around day 10 but it can happen sooner for experienced fasters, which you are :) -- you go through what Russians call with a French word crise. You will feel infinitely better afterward and your daily weight loss will drop. That's when the brain switches to about a third of its requirements to ketones and this results in higher level of blood glucose (because less of it is consumed by the brain). This makes one feel much better and stronger.
It is unusual to feel hunger at this stage. It could be that your appetite is stimulated when you cook. Take inspiration from Russian housewives who cook for their families daily while fasting. They develop an indifferent zen-like attitude to food and this helps them not to slide into binge eating on a refeeding stage.
Regarding weight, try not to exceed the BMI of 16, 15 the lowest. BMI of 13 is very dangerous to get to.