Natway is contacting all new posters on AF + NB forum - STOP
Its come to my attention, that Natway, is now contacting all new posters to the AF and NB forums (the ones he is banned from) and causing much distress, and potentially damage with his high carb rantings.
One poster, a former 80/10/10 follower who ended up with Type 2 Diabetes from the diet, was harassed by no less than ten emails from Natway, despite after explaining that it was that same diet that led her to ill health. Another new user, a benzo victim has also been contacted - high carb after a benzo pharma detox is one of the most painful things a person can do, in fact high
Sugar and carbs cant exasberate the symptoms so much, hospitalisation is sometimes require.
It is yet another portrayal of the lack of knowledge and understanding of health issues Natway has, he should be banned from the entire website.
So can we have a 'Remove Natway' Debate forum, I think this would be very much appreciated.