I just need to say that my experience with morgellons was that it was several bone infections in my jaw. I did not have dental pain, so for years I looked everywhere but in the jaw and no doctor looked there either.
Looking back the itching was centered on my head-scalp-face.
Morgellons took 6 years of my life that I will never get back. Simply a living hell. I also developed IBS three years into having morgellons. I went from 205lbs to under 150
lbs. Currently I am a healthy 185lbs. I did nothing but clean up my dental.
Just my opinion-if you have morgellons pay for a biological dentist to check you out. Before I saw a biological dentist my old dentist would look at my teeth and clap-they looked great. I saw a biological dentist who saved my life-he found several large jaw bone infections. When cleared-(which was a long road) the itching just went away and my ibs went away also.
My guess is that morgellons is a symptom that could be caused my several things. What I know is that a jaw infection is one of those things. I am cured-read that again-cured and on no meds.
Go check but used a biological dentist-one that uses a cavitat and/or an electrodermal machine. Infections do not always show on xray. Do not go to a normal dentist who has never found a jaw infection in his career.
Good luck-don't stop trying to find a way out of the hell or morgellons. When you cure yourself-write it down so others can follow.