I am following the anti-biofilm protocol for some time. Until now I used some fiber enzymes tio break down the biofilm + propolis + Wormwood -clove-black walnut tincture.
Today I took a first pill of NOW's natto instead of the fiber enzyme. 10 minutes later I began to feel my stomach slightly. Then the pain moved to intestines.
Now It feels I could exactly tell how my intestines are "arranged". The pian moves around, however, it is constant in the right side, below ribs.
But it is not all - after an hour or so I started feeling the tinging and moving all over my body. Legs, head, eyes... It is like my whole body is alive, and I mean like "alien-alive". Never experienced such a thin before. The worst feeling was something in my groin trying obstinately to get out.
Has anyone experienced something like that? It scares me!!! Can it be caused by nattokinase?