Start by realizing that that things that you get defensive about are the things that you use to cover your wound. By acknowledging that it is there it begins to soften, what had made you feel vulnerable will begin to allow you to be available to love and life. As you begin to feel more your dream will change you will also begin to see that that the things you defended against were ways for you to project out your darkness. As you take responsibility for your darkness it heals. Repeat!
Fish Cat1 month ago
He talks in circles like this. We are evil. We dream that other people are evil. We forget that we are evil. We attack the other people. We are evil. Trauma happens to a person. A person tries
well also nice to get some comment from youtube to understand this reality in a second. this is one:
to escape the trauma by separating from trauma. This creates trauma. We are all interconnected. We forget we are interconnected. Therefore violence happens. The real source of evil is grasping our separateness. But we have to have a healthy ego. Circular. How does a regular dumb person use this?