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Re: My Iodoral journey so far - increasing goiter?
Whenever you recommend vitamin D, please also recommend K2 (and A and E). High levels of vitamin D will cause calcium to be better absorbed. But without vitamin K2, these will be deposited anywhere so also in the soft tissues and your blood vessels. If you want the calcium to go to the right place, then make sure you have enough K2 going around. K2 will make sure the calcium gets where it belongs and will remove it from spots where it doesn't.
She promotes K2 MK7, because it stays in the blood way longer than K2 MK4, but MK4 is the kind that is supposed to be most natural to your body. There are studies being done about MK7, but I couldn't find any results yet.
The video lasts for an hour, but the good stuff is in the beginning (with more good stuff further along :-) ).
K1 does effect the clotting, but not the shuttling of the calcium.
A two-year Japanese study found that vitamin K2 (MK-4) reduced the incidence of vertebral (spine) fractures by 52% in 120 patients with osteoporosis, compared with patients who did not receive this nutrient.