We researched it first read the data and combined it with some other natural anti fungal things, rule one is to dissolve the biofilm we choose serrapeptase and nattokinase
There are many antifungals we choose oregano oil, Grapefruit-Seed-Extract GRapefruit Seed Extract, boron pills, borax pellets from the health store and nicinamide.
We took Lufeneron for three days weekly and did this for two weeks ate a high fat diet with flax seed oil and mixed with rich yogurt since it is suggested to eat it fat and Liver-Flush is fat soluble so it stops replication of candida by not allowing cell walls to form . At night take gamma detox which pulls all the candida carcasses out of the body. Gamma detox is I believe zeolite benonite clay .
Also a comfortable hot salt bath on the in the evening help to detox.