Tragic...YES! Cause correlation - NOT SUPPORTED!
Other than it appears the mother just "KNOWS" it was the flu
vaccination that precipitated her son's tragic and untimely demise, there is no other valid evidence supporting this particular correlation of causation. Refusing to allow a medical examiner to perform an autopsy was ill advised as a full medical forensics examination could have brought valuable closure to the mother with a definitive determination of the REAL cause of her son's death. There are a multitude of other medically proven potential causes for encephalitis as outlined in the latest guidelines for diagnosis and treatment:
"The Management of Encephalitis: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America"
Was EVERY possible cause REALLY investigated? Some of them would not even be discovered without an autopsy. There are dozens and dozens of much more common reasons for encephalitis that have been long documented as credible causes.
vaccination of any type is WAY down the list of plausibility - a definite "Zebra", as they say. Even in the incredibly loosey-goosey entries in VAERS, there are, compared to other vaccinations, very few adverse reactions reported for flu
vaccinations and even fewer deaths - mostly in the elderly. About 130 million receive flu
vaccinations every year and only 0.0001% report serious adverse events. Consider, if you will, just how high you have to jump to conclusions to make the flu
vaccination the irrefutable cause of the death.
"When you hear hoof-beats, look out for horses, not zebras!"