Re: Please answer!!
Hi Iam,
To answer your question, I have always had mild
Body Odor issues. I remember using deodorant as early as first grade. I didn't have to be as consistent, but I still needed it. During my tween and teen years, I could not forget my deodorant for a single day and even then it was no guarantee. That said, it was nothing that caused my classmates to single me out as stinky or to stop being friends with me. The underarm odor got better as time went on. Today I can skip a day of deodorant and will not have underarm odor. I will have other odors, but no one would leave me a stick of deodorant.
I think we will have similarities, but I think it's our own individual diets, lifestyles, and body functions that will cause our odor. I think similar smells may be caused by a common theme. For example, if your
Body Odor is fecal, it could be caused by leaky gut. If it is sewer, garbage, etc., it could be caused by SIBO. If you can find someone who has cured whatever smell you seem to emit, I would try their protocol. But even with that, I would suggest you learn YOUR body. Don't isolate yourself, that's how most of know when we are doing better because we are around others who don't react to us. If you are still getting reactions after trying the protocol, reassess. But give it some time, changes aren't made in two weeks. If reactions slightly improve after a few weeks, you are probably on the right track, keep doing it. If they become worse, it's probably time to reevaluate.
Lastly, cut your mom some slack. She may not smell it and doesn't know what all the fuss is about. I agree with Tired, show her information you have found on the subject and things you would like try in order to change the situation. Maybe then, she will support your efforts. Without that, she may not know how serious you are... even if you are very serious.
I wish you the best. Keep us posted on your situation and any improvements you make.
Take Care,