Contents of Hemani Oil- 100% Natural and Award Winning
Hemani is 100% Natural and is an Award Winning Oil. Its quality compares to Mountain Rose Herbs and no oil on this planet can come close. There are countless testamonies on the curing ability of Hemani Oil from people who cured their migraines in one day
to a woman who cured her Epilepsy 110%:
I have testimonies of people who completely reversed their dementia, reversed MRSA and people who claim they have never felt better in 5 years.
I have testamony after testamony on people who swear by my products. These are not people who lied to help me or even my relatives. These are people who bought a black seed oil, followed the protocol and lived to be better.
I have the only cancer protocol on the net and apparently this has made some companies go crazy. Now we have a cyberbullier on Curezone claiming that she has a supposed email from Hemani claiming they had mustard oil and canola oil to their Award winning oil. Why in the world would you believe a crazy woman?
Her agenda is plain and simple, she is here to harm and divide. Here is a well known website with the ingredients of Hemani OIl, read for yourself and compare prices:
Another website selling Hemani Black Seed Oil: Compare prices:
Hemani oil does not contain those oils the cyberbully claims. It is 100 percent natural, it cured my cancer, it healed 100's of people and you only doubted Hemani when she came to harm and destroy.
She has been banned on FB once and now she back. She attacked every book I ever wrote, she created a horrible blog full of lies and had a stupid post deleted off of the cancer support page. Oh that wasn't enough, she went on Amazon and wrote hate posts on the Hemani Oil section too and now she is here.
Ask yourself why? This is a hate mission and each post is how the black seed expert is a scam and a liar. I have built a business based on helping people. Look at my forum people, I removed the places I recommend to buy oil. There is no advertising here.
I am too busy for these antics and only posting this to defend my reputation. So she digs up some old Curezone attacks on me some years ago which everyone knows about. Marsh was here attacking me before.
Tony Isaacs and Luella May told me not to debate her and I didn't. Then Sahabi Sweets was here attacking me and all of a sudden there is a new war.
Think rational and be honest. Who is trying to do what here. I am sad to have to waste my time on this bull shit. Don't be a party to her game. She is either a competitor who is trying to stomp out the competition or she is part of a government team trying to eliminate alternative healing.
I hope in the end you get rid of scum bags like her who can do no more than produce lies and bogus claims.
The Black Seed Expert