The study of the fungal microbiota (‘mycobiome’) is a new and rapidly emerging field that lags behind our under- standing of the bacterial microbiome. Every human has fungi as part of their microbiota, but the total number of fungal cells is orders of magnitude smaller than that of the bacterial microbiota. However, the impact of the mycobiome on human health is significant, especially as a reservoir for blooms of pathogenic microbes when the host is compromised and as a potential cofactor in in- flammatory diseases and metabolic disorders.
"However, Lactobacillus– Candida antagonism can be a two-way process whereby the presence of Candida can prevent the regrowth of Lactobacillus after Antibiotics [40,44]. The effect may be more widespread than effects on Lactobacillus because recent data suggests that yeast, even as numerically inferior microbes in the intestinal microbiome, have the potential to exert marked effects on overall bacterial community reassembly in the intestine after Antibiotics without inducing intestinal inflammation [44]."