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Re: a possible cause of b.o.
Bibi42 Views: 937
Published: 12 y
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Re: a possible cause of b.o.

Hi there!

Apologies for my delay in writing. I've only just picked up your mail.

Now, I'm not a doctor (or anything close to being one!) but I was told many years ago (from a reliable source) that the 'fishy' smell females get 'down there' is not their fault at all, and is not at all related to a health problem. The bad smell, it seems, comes from a man's semen! I don't have any evidence or proof to back this up but I did prove for myself that this was the case with me. Whether it is something wrong with the man's semen I don't know but many women seem to suffer from this problem.

I am 69 years old, so sex doesn't come into my way of life any more (unfortunately!) but I can say this: no sex, no fishy smell any longer! ;).

I hope I have helped rather than offended. If you are not in a sexua| relationship, then my reliable source must have been wrong, but it proved right for me! If you are in a sexua| relationship, then it might be worth abstaining for a week or so, or maybe using a contraceptive, just to see if the fishy smell remains. If it goes, then you'll know that this information is correct.

I really hope this helps because I know how embarrassing this can be. I would really like to know if this proves to be the case with you. If I'm wrong, then I shan't pass the information on again!

My very best wishes ... and good luck!


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