I have been pulling with coconut oil 3 times a day for 3 days now. While I have had some good benefits such as teeth whitening and clearer skin, I am noticing some aggravation of other symptoms. Here is a list of what I was suffering from prior to pulling:
Candida (taking probiotics and anti-fungals for 3 months prior to pulling) - this sometimes causes brief headaches when eating a food I am intolerant to.
Urinary Tract Infections - I have not had an infection in my life (44) years, until this past summer. I am on my 5th infection since then. Antibiotics did not work and the naturopath supplements lessened the symptoms but never fully cleared them.
Since pulling I have had headaches every day. Also this morning the UTI was back in full force. Could this be related to the coconut oil pulling detoxifying my system? I want to continue to see what happens.