Hi, you seem very knowledgeable on black seed oil I have read so many wonderful things about black seed oil so I sourced some on the internet, virgin, cold-pressed, organic and started taking 1 tsp in the mornings before breakfast and 1 tsp at night before bed. I had no reaction for a week and then, wham, I felt terrible, headaches, sinus pain, sore joints, blocked ears and fibromyagia symptoms. Also breast tenderness which worried me. I don't know why I reacted like this. I have ongoing problems with candida, and am also high in heavy metals - but I am also peri menopausal and have a hormonal imbalance. Sooo my question is, do you think what I felt was a detox reaction from either the metals or the candida coming out? - which I could handle, I know I would just have to reduce the dosage and persevere. But I also read that black seed oil contains many natural sex hormones so my big worry is that this may have been aggravating my hormonal imbalance causing my symptoms. Do you have any information or advice on this? I would appreciate anything you can tell me as I really want to be one of the people benefiting from this amazing herb. Many thanks