Hi Beth, does your chiro feel that your health issues all relate to your herniated discs? I have an Atlas subluxation, several her iated and bulding discs in neck and back, reversing of the natural C curve and minor scoliosis. I found this all out through a NUCCA chiro. I went to NUCCA for around theee months and there was definite improvement in things like all my dizziness and motion sickness went away, but still struggled with my other health issues. I had to stop going as it was so expensive. I found a new chiro who though not a NUCCA chiro, is supposedly a miracle worker. I plan on seeing him soon. My biggest issues right now are a majorly messed up stomach and almost non-existent digestion, dizziness, anxiety attacks, reflux, have to sleep sitting up, which I know has made my neck worse, gas and bloating and a whole laundry list of other symptoms. NUCCA chiro said all my symptoms could be being caused by the atlas subluxation. Did you have any digestion issues and have they been improvong at all since you started treating your neck? Thanks!