Copper toxicity is CRUCIAL .
Most (if not all) candida sufferers have excessive copper or biounavailable copper (which tends to accumulate over time, making it , ironically , unavailable to the body )
I believe this is the main reason people do not get better with diet and antifungals alone. Copper keeps candida in balance (in fact, it is probably impossible to develop candida if copper and zinc are kept in balance ) . Zinc and copper are extremely important for your immune system, no matter how good your diet is . You CANNOT keep candida in check without a proper zinc/copper ratio. Eating foods rich in copper (I know that nuts and avocado provide significant calories ) will only make the problem worse in the long term. , since it will acumulate in your body.
The reason people with candida experience anxiety, spaciness/brain fog , detachment from reality, thyroid issues, anxiety, depression, ADD-like symptoms, racing mind is copper toxicity (probably among others)
Ways to correct copper toxicity :
-Supplemental zinc, 20-30 mg/day in highly absorbable form (picolinate, chelate, etc.) . B complex vitamins are also highly recommended , and Vitamin C.
-Diet low in copper rich foods, such as nuts, seeds and avocado
- Controlling your emotions and eliminating stress . Candida sufferers all experience emotional issues and these are extremely important since your emotions and attitude balance copper in the body. It is called the ''emotional mineral''. Meditation is essential. Learn not to give in and use rational thinking always.
- Diet with lots of animal protein and vegetables to supply zinc. Some red meat in the form of lamb if tolerated is also recommended. These will supply zinc. Vegetarianism is NOT the way to go if you have candida.
I believe there's too much focus set on diet and antifungals. While these two are important as well, you have to understand that candida means unbalance in your body . If you do not restore balance and allow your body to properly heal, you will never cure your candida infestation. It is as simple as that.
Soil zinc deficiency , processed foods, poor diet , etc. and our modern lifestyle is wreaking havoc on our life in ways we do not entirely understand (but we are beginning to, fortunately). There is much more to candida than diet and antifungals .