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Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

  Views: 846
Published: 12 y


I am new on this site, so caution it is along story. After struggling with the problems listed below for 8 months now, I came across this site and my mouth fell open. Everything I experienced was here listed as a side effect of Mirena. I went to see the doctor last friday to have mine removed but the threads are nowhere to be found. I have an appointment at the hospital for ultrasound to locate it and hopelfully remove it next week.

I am 40 and I've had the Mirena for 8 years now. The first was inserted when we decided no more children. I did not have any problems then accept for 2 days of severe headaches once a month, but that, I thought, was well worth the convenience of not having any periods anymore. The second was inserted in May 2010. In hindsight not short afterwards I experienced my first symptom: Tinnitus, ringing in the ear and a slight dizziness which I thought was due to the fact I have always had low blood pressure. After 2 or 3 months I had my first Vertigo experience. Went to see the Ear Throat Nose specialist and she said it might be Meniere but wait and see till it happens again. From there on it gradually builded up. Itching all over body for weeks but that went, earaches, fullness in the head pain in neck and shoulder area. They concluded I might have had a neuritis which was causing the earproblems. I had gout sometimes had joint pain in my wrist, my arms would go numb when in bed even though I would sleep on my back. Months went by with these periods of inconvenience but nothing rally major,except for the appearance of a lump in my breast that was ruled benign. All in all I could still function pretty well. Than I had a nasty chest infection in January this year and all hell broke loose afterwards. 3 week later I had a infection in my breast, cured with Antibiotics .Then I had sudden attacks of arenalin for no apprant reason, and had attacks of dizziness that felt like having a TIA in my brain. I could have small attacks that would wear me out but also heavy attacks that were so frightening that I had to call someone to talk to me to make sure they would find me if I collapsed, which I was convinced would happen. These attacks would give me a sensation of a severe concussion of the brain lasting for weeks and making me extremely exhausted, now Iknow this is that fog in the brain. My heart would start to race for no apparant reason, inducing another attack in my head, which was always cause for some panic. I went to visit several specialist to rule out bad stuff but all (MRI, CT, Blood and hormone checks) came back clear. At some point light, sound and even smell, busy patterns and driving on the highway would be enough to trigger an attack. Back pain was always an issue to although I never had back pain before. I haven't been able to drive on the highway for 2 months now. These periods last for weeks and sometimes I have had a few weeks where I felt better with less days of 'attacks'. At my real low point I would have these horrible attacks while I slept, waking up and really panicked that I would die. My last big attack was a few weeks ago, I felt like dying with the flu and all above symptoms inluding contraction like waves in my uterus. I couln't get up from the sofa anymore, my energy was literally drained. Then I came across this and I felt so much relief and recognition. So I am having it removed hopefully nect week if they can locate it. Does anyone have had these severe symptoms as well? Could it be because maybe the IUD has gone astray and is causing havoc. I have to say I fear that it has been in too long already (3 years) so what will that mean for my recovery? Thank you for taking the time to read my story.


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