Hi I've been suffering from BB and Nose odor.
On 22nd July I noticed a white coating on the back of my tongue. Asked the dentist during the follow up time whether it was thrush but they said no it isn't.
My Sinus CT Results - Polypoidal opacities within left maxillary antrum with partially opacified ethmoid air cells.
Right side is fine.
ENT says that polyp is small and no need to operate and also says that this can't be the cause of BB. He suggested a tonsillectomy.
I went for another opinion to a different dentist and she gave me chlorhexidine which is working in my mouth. My mouth bacterial flora is much better. My saliva production is better. The white tongue development has reduced. The stubborn patch is still there at the base of the tongue. Now I don't get those bb reactions.
I get this weird smell from my mouth, which at best i can describe it as humid and mouldy.
The nose odor is fecal and smoky.
I've asked my ENT whether he can smell anything from the nose and he said no and neither my mouth. I know my BB is much better now but i still need to know the origin of it to get the root and be sure. The smell is mostly coming from the nose.