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Global Reset Happening Now
WhistlingBooger Views: 1,213
Published: 12 y

Global Reset Happening Now

I've been saying for over year now that it looks like a global currency reset may be happening. There have been many sources saying it is, (just got another report saying it just before posting this) but Max Keiser is publicly saying it now on his Keiser Report. So I think it may be ok to DE CLARE official now.

The question is what will be the replacement for the dollar? I think that post I did showing a bill in the US CONgress eliminated the legal definition for legal tender and the bill was called "Free Competition in Currency Act of 2013" may show what it could be. A basket of currencies from various countries. Lindsey Williams has talked about this before too and said it's one of the last signs before the collapse. So may the best currency win, which will probably be the Chinese dollar I think.

The other big question is what's going to happen to the dollar. It's pretty much guaranteed it won't be the world currency any more. But how much will it be worth? I think the dollar will probably stay pretty much the same, but other currencies will be worth more like the Chinese dollar and the Iraqi dinar. (Some will be worth less too) So anything we need from China will cost us more.

So this is good in some ways and bad in others. Our "government" won't be able to spend without any regard any more because it will be in competition with other currencies now. Plus the world will abandon it if it starts dropping in worth. Plus it may eliminate the Federal Reserve. With the world adopting the BASIL III system, assets will have to be backed by something. No fiat currencies/monopoly money & honest bookkeeping. BUT things may cost more for Americans. But if things cost more from other countries, that will bring jobs back home.

The one thing that keeps popping up in my head is Lindsey Williams saying the currency war was going to happen 1-2 years ago. So this is planned and the end game is still the fall of America. So I think this will bring a window of opportunity for a little while for everyone, before the real power's that be collapse the whole thing.

And you all know that gold & silver are one of the best ways to NOT lose money though this process. Also real estate, especially farm land.

But another thing I think is currencies. If there's going to be a battle, there will be winners and losers all the way around. So learn what currencies are expected to rise and which ones will fall. The people in dinar land have been saying for a few months now that there will a global currency reset. It appears they are right. Also the dinar is supposed to reset to at least 3 dollars for every dinar or 3 to 1. Right now you can buy a million dinars for around $1,100 or so. If you buy a million of them, you get 3 million dollars in return if it resets at 3 to 1. (The current word is, it will reset for waay more than that) I invested in them a couple years ago and people have been saying we're crazy, it's a scam and fraud the whole time.

Anyway, do what you want. I'm no financial counselor, adviser or expert and all the above in just my opinion. But it appears the global reset is about to happen according to Max.


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