i believe the nausea resulted from breaking the 26 days of water-only fasting in a way that needed to have been even more digestively simple than it was. This is generally true with long fasts (with exceptions) and particularly can be seen in hindsight when we encounter symptoms such as the nausea you are experiencing. Feeling bogged down (from more digestion than your body was ready for) would be another major indicator.
I expect once the desire to eat returns, your body would thrive and flourish on juices alone for a few days (meaning little or no pulp)... and in this digestively delicate stage i believe your body would be overwhelmed even by foods as simple as whole fruits and greens (except perhaps only in the tiniest quantities). juicing would serve as an extremely gentle bridge towards this next step and no amount of juice would be too much for your body to handle. I found i had to back up and transition this way at least a couple times even after only 10 days of fasting where even whole fruits were too much. Included within this protocol can be juiced vegetable soups.