Re: Candida, Steroids, and Red Scrotum Syndrome
Hi! I have gotten red scrotum syndrome under control after having dealt with it for more than five years. Let me tell you my story, I was a heavy drinker of beer and soda for many years and I am sure my insides were all messed up. I am not sure if I got the initial yeast infection from my wife or it just developed. Anyways, I freaked out and applied all kinds of creams (tried everything). Nothing worked and it was red and itching like crazy. I went to the dermatologist who had no clue and gave me something that just made it worse. I basically just gave up and figured that I had to live with it. A year or so later, I got to a point where I had to quit drinking because it was getting out of control. Sober and clear-headed I decided to get in shape and went on the Body for Life diet and workout program. After a few months on the program something amazing happened, the itch went away. It was still red but no itch. I didn't care since I was feeling great in general and could deal with some red skin that nobody could see. I kept working out but changed my diet and wasn't as disciplined as in the past. Then suddenly about four weeks ago the itch came back with a vengeance and now it was all over the body. I started doing some research and came across articles related to Candida. I decided to go back on the Body for Life diet, which is a diet that basically consists of healthy food. However, I also decided to go lower on
Sugar than in the past but still eat carbs (brown rice and Quest bars). I also started mixing in some anti-candida fighters like apple cidet vinegar, oil of oregano and Kefir. And sure enough, the itch went away after a few weeks. Now I was convinced that Candiida over-growth was causing it all along, which would make sense due to all the drinking. I went all out and bombed the system with GNC 50 Billion probiotic, Caprylic Acid, Garlic in addition to the already mentioned supplements. I had pretty significant die-off symptoms so I know there were significant Candida in my gut. However, something else started happening. My skin started healing as well and every day it gets better. So I believe the solution is inside and can not be cured from the outside. Maybe it is Candida or some other bacterial infection causing it but my advice would be to eat clean, drink water, go low on
Sugar and buy some strong probiotics. Best of luck to you all!