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Re: Who is the troll
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Re: Who is the troll

I usually remain quiet and ignore such asinine posts like this, but this time I'm going to have to speak my mind..

First of all, who said they were addicted to p 0 r n? "Captain DB", as you so eloquently put (way to go classy lady, man, whatever you are) simply shared a documentary about p 0 r n no way was this an admission to being addicted to it himself. And secondly, many many many people on this forum have been poisoned by pharma meds by doctors that they believed they could trust. So since you're calling him a drug addict, you may as well call all the others who have been harmed by drugs addicts as well.

Speaking of addictions, I have sat back and observed you purposely provoking people, arguing because they don't agree with your beliefs, and then spewing out loads of garbage and unnecessary personal attacks (like in this very post I am responding to). Seems you're the one with the addiction. Does it make you feel good to act like a class-less instigator? Because you sure are good at it. Even Natway has more tact than you do.

Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you go accusing people of not trying these "proven natural methods". Both myself and "Captain DB" have tried all of these so called "safe treatments" only to end up being severely injured and worse than before. As a matter of fact, Wilson landed me in the hospital due to severe sodium lost from the beloved coffee enemas that he touts as the cure all to disease. Not to mention the complete thievery I've experienced with NB "practitioners". As for DB, well, he's got his own personal Lam horror stories. The only thing that you've said so far with any truth to it whatsoever is that we are entitled. Yes we are entitled. We've been injured by these people and we've earned the right to call them as they are. The NB forum was not created because they wanted to run from people who disagreed with the program. It was created because they wanted a dedicated space just for NB. When it was created, I was one of the original members and on NB myself. So again, get your facts straight.

An adrenal fatigue in-crowd? Really?? Wow I am impressed with this one. I had no idea that a clique existed. And I'm sensing a great deal of animosity here! Awww, you're feeling left out? Maybe you were picked on in high school? Not popular? You poor thing! Well now you can get your jabs in on the "AF in-crowd". Don't worry, we can take it, we've got thick skin :)

So go ahead and let loose, poke your chest out, and while you're at it, go shove some coffee up your ass. Since its so healthy and all :)


Duchess DB- queen of the "AF in-crowd"


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