I can't definitively say whether I had success or not however upon coming off the juice fast/h202 I discovered I'd made some profound improvements. In short I got rid off Gilbert's syndrome & a chronic streptococcal infection. I was very sick at the time & also had mycoplasma (which went away a month or so after) & glandular fever at the time. I've benefitted from juice fasting before & perhaps obnoxiously attributed my positive results to that. However the other day I was reading a very well versed paper explaining why milk thistle & fasting etc can't abolish Gilbert's syndrome which straight away got me thinking that it was perhaps the h202 behind the success. Ironically I have just begun taking it again as I still have the EBB, CFS, low thyroid & adrenal burnout. I'm not sure who's protocol exactly I am following but in essence you ramp up your dose daily til you reach 25 drops 3 times a day. Today is 18 drops 3 times. I'm curious to see where I get with this. It should be noted I am also following the methylation protocol.