Tales From the Crypt...Lab Results...
So I was just told by the doctor's office that I have two separate infections.
E. Hystolica ( I expected this) and whipworms (though she called it T Trichuris).
The drug protocol she recommends is below:
- 3 days of Tindamax (only) for the EH
- 3 days of Albenza (only) for whipworm
- 7 more days of no medication
- then 3 days of Tindimax (only) again
- then FOLLOW UP???? oh my god no :(
Please give me any input you would like here. I just don't know. I asked "what" exactly he found in the mucous sample that indicated whipworm...was it eggs, worms, jelly beans, what? She said "worm" so...ok. None of this was found in the stool sample that I gave my GI doc. How was this so easy for him to see all this? And what about my husband if this is true? Will he have to see the crypt keeper and take meds too???? Omg.
Last night was the worst night I think I have ever had with this infection. I could not believe when I woke up for the second night itching all over, feeling wiggling in the back of my head, lower back and nostril. It was driving me insane and quite frankly was freaking me out. I have never had this before ever until night before last and it was horrible. Is this in my head? Two nights in a row this has happened now and each time when I looked at the clock when it started it was around 3:30am. I am a tough girl but I could not bring myself to go to the bathroom and look :(
I have been on the Awareness cleanse again for 3 days. I like it much better than Paragone for the simple reason that it has no Bismuth in it. I am still having the severe bloating but I am able to have BMs this time around. Though I have not seen anything suspicious since taking it.
I have an appt for a
colonic today and also plan to do some garlic enemas this weekend.
Thank you all for all your support and help on this.