Re: Lyme Success Story
In order to get well you have to believe you are getting better no matter what! The human body is a miraculous machine, capable of feats scientists don't even completely understand. And your body CAN HEAL ITSELF!
There is no ‘one size fits all’ healing model or a “magic” bullet. However, there are basic rules of Nature that will help anyone to get better!
Top 10 rules to get better No matter what your health has been in the past.
1. Vegan Diet (75% raw). Sugar-Free, Gluten- Free, Soy- Free, Casein- Free.
2. Drink plenty of purified water with lemon (3 liter per day).
3. Vegetable Juice Fast/ Flush (21- 30 days).
4. Hyperthermia (sauna, steam room, ozone sauna, IFR, etc 5 times a week)
5. Deparasitation is a MUST!
6. Liver/ Gallbladder Flush (once a month till there are no more stones left).
7. Exercise (Rebounding, walking, running, yoga, dancing, whatever your soul desires)
8. Rest (sleep 8-9 hours)
9. Meditation, prayers, visualization, positive attitude!
10. ABSOLUTE FAITH that you are getting stronger and healthier every single day!
It is very important to nourish your body with natural organic vegan foods and fresh veggies juices. Your food should be as close to nature as possible, local and seasonable, nothing packaged, processed, etc. Drink as many juices as you can to flood your body with all nutrients needed. You do not need to supplement with any vitamins, minerals, and other man-made “nutrients”. Fruits and vegetables contain everything our body needs to be vibrant and healthy!