Colloidal Silver and Food Poisoning, Stomach Infections or "Stomach Flu"
Contrary to popular belief, there's really no such thing as the "stomach flu." Most cases of stomach infection are actually caused by food poisoning bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella, or in some cases food poisoning viruses such as the Rotavirus or Norovirus, which are not at all related to the flu virus.
Regardless, the effects of any food poisoning infection – regardless of its source – can be devastating, including symptoms such as nausea, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. And as many people have found out after a bout with food poisoning, hugging the porcelain throne all night calling for "Ralph" is definitely no way to spend an evening.
While there's no clinical evidence for the use of colloidal silver as a remedy for food poisoning or stomach infections (and while the FDA clearly states there's no evidence for the effectiveness of colloidal silver against any illness or disease), many people nevertheless swear by it for stomach ailments of all sorts, as you'll see in this article.
What's more, test tube studies have indeed demonstrated colloidal silver to be effective against the major food poisoning pathogens. Here's what you need to know…
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for
Food poisoning and other stomach infections can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens ranging from Campylobacter to Salmonella to E. coli, Shigella, Listeria, Clostridium (i.e., Botulism) and others.
Almost all adults have experienced symptoms of food poisoning – often erroneously referred to as the "stomach flu" – at one time or another in their lives.
In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Each your, roughly one in every six Americans get sick from foodborne disease – that's 48 million people, 128,000 of which are hospitalized and 3,000 of which die."
Symptoms of food poisoning can range from mild intestinal discomfort and nausea, to vomiting, diarrhea and physical malaise.
In more serious cases, there can be painful stomach cramping, intense nausea, projectile vomiting, bloody diarrhea and even severe dehydration due to the uncontrolled loss of fluids and concurrent inability to keep any food or liquids down.
Life Threatening?
While food poisoning is relatively common and generally not life-threatening, it can at times become life-threatening, particularly when young children, the elderly or immune-compromised individuals are exposed to a stronger than usual bacterial or viral strain.
For example, in June 2011 multiple outbreaks of E. coli food poisoning struck throughout Europe and within two U.S. states (see my article, here). Thousands of people were sickened and 30 people died across Europe. And here in the U.S. over a dozen people were sickened, with only one death.
Point being, food poisoning can be very serious, and a doctor's care is always recommended whenever it's suspected.
But Will Colloidal Silver Work?
I've pointed out in previous articles that colloidal silver has been found by researchers to be effective against some of the major food poisoning bacteria. But these were in vitro clinical studies (i.e., test tube studies) and not in vivo (i.e., no human or animal test subjects).
For example, these four clinical studies (see here, here, here and here) all demonstrate colloidal silver or other forms of antimicrobial silver to be effective against E. coli, which of course is one of the most well-known food poisoning bacteria.
And this study demonstrates silver nanoparticles to be effective against multidrug-resistant strains of E. coli.
Similarly, colloidal silver (or other forms of antimicrobial silver) have been demonstrated by researchers to be effective against Salmonella – another serious food-poisoning pathogen – as well.
Indeed, in the well-known studies conducted by microbiologist David A. Revelli and Professor of Microbiology/Molecular Biology Dr. Ron W. Leavitt, Ph.D. at Brigham Young University in May 1999, a colloidal silver solution was able to kill two different strains of the Salmonella food-poisoning pathogen, at extremely low concentrations.
Here's a brief synopsis of what the researchers discovered:
You can read more about the effectiveness of colloidal silver against the Salmonella food poisoning bug in my previous article at this link.
Interestingly, small concentrations of colloidal silver (i.e., in the form of ionic silver) have also been demonstrated in water disinfection studies to kill food poisoning bacteria such as Listeria, Rotavirus (a cause of infectious diarrhea), Enterococcus, Salmonella and E. coli (see my article here).
And British research conducted in association with international drug-makers Janssen as well as Johnson & Johnson have demonstrated silver's effectiveness against the food poisoning viruses, Norovirus and Rotavirus (see my article here).
Additionally, independent research has also demonstrated colloidal silver to be effective against a variety of food poisoning pathogens. For example:
"Several years ago we conducted some rather extensive evaluations of various protocols promising effective results against various pathogenic agents which cause 'food poisoning'.
The one protocol, effective against ALL agents evaluated, was colloidal silver. A 5 ppm solution proved effective against all pathogens tested; yielding complete control within 6 to 8 minutes.....regardless of concentration of the pathogenic agent.
Control was effected in some solutions as weak as one part of 5 ppm colloidal silver to 50,000 parts contaminated solution. Among the many agents tested were botulinum, campyobacter, salmonella and listeria (bacterial agents); and norwalk-like viruses and hepatitus A (viral agents)."
– Brooks Bradley, Harbone Research Foundation
What's more, according to the Wall Street Journal (June 6, 2006), in an article titled "The War Against Germs Has a Silver Lining", silver has indeed been demonstrated to kill food-borne pathogens such as E. coli:
"Silver, in the form of a metal or as dissolved ions, fights microorganisms by interfering with processes such as how they breathe and reproduce. Tests show that silver ions kill microorganisms ranging from harmful strains of E. coli that cause food-borne diseases to the staphylococcus bacteria responsible for serious infections."
Furthermore, for centuries people from developing nations such as India have regularly consumed small amounts of silver along with their foods as a means of preventing food-borne infection and disease. As Keith Moeller of American Biotech Labs points out in a white paper titled "The Safety of Using Silver Solutions and the Risk of Argyria":
"It is estimated that the Indian tradition of eating candy and cakes wrapped in metallic silver foil (eaten foil and all) came from their historically gained knowledge that in their warm, moist climate with little refrigeration of foods, eating the silver-covered candy and cakes after meals would kill the bacteria consumed with the food, before it had a chance to do damage to their body systems."
And as Dr. Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. has stated in her book The Rife Handbook, "…colloidal silver traveling directly to a relatively empty gut, with no stool to block its passage, can kill unwanted microorganisms there that cause food poisoning and dysentery."
Finally, topical commercial disinfectants that are composed chiefly of colloidal silver (i.e., stabilized ionic silver solutions) such as Axen 30 and others have been EPA approved for effectiveness against Campylobacter jejuni and other food poisoning pathogens.
To gain such approval from the EPA, the product must be proven in clinical studies to kill the tested microbe on 10 out of 10 inoculated carriers or the label claims cannot be approved for the product.
So there's little doubt of the ability of colloidal silver to kill food poisoning pathogens, including some of the most virulent ones. The question is, can it do so in the human body?
Amazing Anecdotal Accounts
Here are some rather amazing anecdotal accounts from real-life people attesting to the ability of colloidal silver to provide dramatic relief from food poisoning or other stomach infections:
"I got food poisoning Friday night. Woke up Saturday at 1 a.m. with horrible stomach cramps and frightening diarrhea. I make my own silver with the machine I purchased from The Silver Edge.
I immediately started taking about one ounce of 10 ppm micro-particle colloidal silver every 1/2 hour. By morning 8:00am, I could tell it was over. I truly believe that if I had not started taking it when I did, I would have ended up in the hospital!"
– Jennifer F., New Franklin, MO
"My girlfriend and I developed either a bad case of stomach flu and/or food poisoning not to long after our Valentine's Day dinner.
Unfortunately she wasn't able to keep anything down at all, including the colloidal silver. As for me, I immediately began taking about an ounce of colloidal silver every half hour. Within about 4 hours of this routine I was feeling in the "clear" zone.
I thought for certain that I'd be reaching the point of no return and rushing to the bathroom. Thank God this didn't occur. By the very next day I'd say I was feeling about 95% better. I'm very thankful for this wonderful natural substance and for having had purchased the colloidal silver generator and having it arrive just in perfect timing to assist in overcoming this obstacle.
This actually makes the 2nd time in this year I've used colloidal silver against a stomach virus. Previously I had used a commercial store bought brand and that time I only suffered for about 24 hours while my family battled it for over a week. They listen closely now when I mention using colloidal silver."
– Phillip P., Gettysburg, PA
"One evening I stopped to have a cheeseburger at America's second biggest chain. On the way home I began to feel queasy with stomach pains & gas – I have had it before and I know the signs of food poisoning. I got home and drank four ounces of silver water – BAM food poisoning stopped immediately!"
– Dan F., Naples, FL
"I went through a fast food drive thru. The food didn't taste good, but I ate it anyway. Later I started to feel sick, so I took about 2 ounces of colloidal silver. Within a few minutes, I felt fine."
– Don H., Ohio
"Two neighbors got food poisoning from that spinach problem a couple years ago and asked me if I could do anything to help them. So that afternoon I gave them each a teaspoon of colloidal silver and they went home.
Next morning, I went to give them more but they said they were fine. They took one more dose any way and the bacteria must have been killed because there were never any problems again."
– L. L., Merced, CA
And here's a very interesting, albeit longer testimonial on food poisoning and colloidal silver, from my 547-page book, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual:
"I was with a business associate working late one Friday night. At about 10:30 p.m. we ventured out to a local big chain restaurant to indulge in a couple of big burgers. We finished for the night at 2:30a.m. I went home and shortly thereafter experienced my first encounter with food poisoning.
If you have ever had food poisoning you can understand that there is no mistaking the symptoms. For those of you not so familiar, it is more than simply getting ill. Imagine your insides have suddenly turned into snakes and are involuntarily convulsing and trying to exit your body. You become ill with such force and for a long enough duration that you wonder if you will ever be allowed another breath.
That's what I personally experienced. Finally after what seemed an eternity in hell, I was finally released from the clutches of the evil commode.
Weakened and out of breath I gravitated to the medicine cabinet to give the colloidal silver a try, but more seriously thinking about going to the emergency room, since I had just seen a special on TV where a Centers For Disease Control (CDC) report acknowledged that 9,000 people die each year from food poisoning.
I took about one half ounce of the colloidal silver and went to lay down. The evil commode called me again in about ten minutes, but I was so purged that it was a wasted attempt to try and get anything more from me.
I laid down again and now considered more seriously going to the hospital, at the same time though exhausted, I felt better. The only thing that I wanted to do was sleep. I brushed my teeth, and took a tablespoon more or silver. I applied some essential oils to my abdomen to alleviate the pain from the still present cramping.
Though dehydrated I avoided water for fear of the evil commode. As I began to doze off the thought crossed my mind that I might not wake in the morning. The next day did come, although low on energy I felt I might survive.
I was able to eat breakfast at 8:00a.m. About 1:00 p.m. I called my business associate who was unable to come to the phone, he had become ill and went to the hospital (as related to me by his roommate); the hospital confirmed that he had food poisoning. They reportedly pumped his stomach.
After going home he continued to be too ill to eat or get out of bed for several days, and remained ill and went back to the doctor's office for continued care for two weeks!
I offered to provide colloidal silver during his ordeal, but his response was basically the same as my initial reaction, 'it's probably a lot of bunk.' He did accept my offer close to the time he recovered, too late for either of us to give it a second thought.
Is this conclusive evidence that colloidal silver cured my food poisoning? Of course not. However, it was more than an interesting coincidence to me.
After this incident I very cautiously began taking colloidal silver more regularly, especially at any sign of feeling run down or when I felt a cold coming on. About three years have now gone by and I have yet to get a cold or flu. Coincidence? I think not!
In January of 1997 I indulged a fine meal at the best Cajun restaurant in town with some friends and family. I hadn't had oysters in over ten years due to the many reports of their no longer being safe to eat. I was at one of the finest restaurants in town, I thought certainly they get only the finest product from the freshest sources, so in a bold move I took a chance.
As you probably guessed, later that evening, I was once again in the clutches of the evil commode. He was not as forgiving this time. I quickly realized that as bad as the first incident was, it really could be worse! I almost lost consciousness this time, and collapsed briefly when I was finally released.
I wasn't messing around this time! I had learned to make a much stronger solution of colloidal silver and poured a half of a glass, about 5-6 ounces, and gingerly coaxed it down. This time I wasn't called back to the evil commode for a final taunting or two. I still wondered about the possibility of not waking up as I dozed off. The sun returned. I was generally fine once again.
Do I have proof that what I have just told you is true? Well my wife, family and close friends were present and could vouch for me.
However, that is not why I am sharing this information with you. It's not about me proving anything to you. It's about sharing my experiences and perhaps challenging you to seek your own experiences. The truth is self evident, prove it to yourself!"
– V.G.
Works for Other Stomach Ailments, Too!
Here are some additional anecdotal accounts demonstrating that colloidal silver works for other stomach ailments in addition to food poisoning:
"I use colloidal silver every day, thanks to the supply I make myself with my generator...An upset stomach or diarrhea goes away quickly using colloidal silver. Depending how bad it is, I have taken 2-4 ounces at a time, up to 4 times a day. It works great!"
– Diane L., Erie, MI
"When my kids were school age, they occasionally came down with tummy bugs. I don't know if it was the cafeteria food, or what. But I'd give them a few ounces of our homemade colloidal silver from The Silver Edge generator, and it always did the trick. Sometimes even within a few minutes they'd be feeling better. I've used it myself for the same reason, and it always seems to work well."
– M.B., Barstow, CA
"I developed a bleeding stomach ulcer. I found that out when I was recovering from effects of the flu. So, I thought about colloidal silver's healing qualities and decided to try it. I made a new batch, standard 3 hours generation time. Then I took 2 tbsp., 2 times a day, and by the end of 2 weeks I had no stomach pain or burning and no vomiting stomach acid with blood. It's been 2 months since that time. What a RELIEF!!"
– S. Pfau, MN
"My intro to colloidal silver happened about 4 years ago when I suddenly could not eat. It went on for about a month. I had all kinds of tests done (endoscopy, CT scans, blood work, ultrasound) and nothing showed up.
A friend brought over some colloidal silver she had made and suggested I take 1 ounce. Within hours I felt like eating. I gradually improved and kept taking 1 or 2 ounces per day of colloidal silver. I went though some type of detoxing event also.
My estimation of what happened is that I had acquired some type of bacterial infection and the colloidal silver cleared it up. No doctor ever had any explanation. This sold me on colloidal silver as it was quite odd for me not to eat. All I had for almost two months was toast. No food looked appealing. The colloidal silver gave me back by normal appetite."
– Doryan J.
"Hi everyone! I just wanted to drop a testimonial about a good friend who's been battling Interstitial Cystitis for many years and it was winning.
One day this month she called me early in the morning in a panic because the IC was acting up and she noticed a small amount of bleeding. She had attempted to make an urgent care appointment but it was too early.
I remembered that a few days prior I had given her a 12-ounce bottle of micro-particle colloidal silver to spray on her hand for a burn she sustained from her oven. (She bought some brand at a ridiculous price per ounce that was also brown in color; but noticed a remarkable difference in healing when using the micro-particle silver I gave her.)
I suggested she drink 2 tablespoons of the micro-particle silver right away. About 30 minutes later she called and reported that the silver had stopped the irritation that fast – no more bleeding – and calmed her stomach. She found no need to go for a doctor visit.
I told her to continue taking an ounce in the morning and before she goes to bed daily until the symptoms subside. Tried 1 tablespoon to conserve it, but 2 works the best (so I gave her a quart).
To my friend the micro-particle colloidal silver is a miracle that is daily giving her back the life she once knew before IC.
She takes a daily dose and now has a completely restful sleep – ecstatically turning the tables on the condition. She's tried numerous treatments to no avail and has more recently been under the care of a homeopathic physician for the IC and a couple issues; however the IC remained stubborn.
During a recent checkup, (I told her not to mention the silver until after the evaluation) the physician said she no longer needed a supplement for the IC condition! Even more confirmed evidence."
– Tonya W.
One Final Thought…
I hope you find these real-life anecdotal accounts helpful, keeping in mind of course that "testimonials" are not the equivalent of medical evidence, and should never be relied on in place of direction and guidance from your medical doctor or other licensed physician.
And that goes double when food poisoning is suspected, since severe cases can be deadly.
In my own case, I ended up with a nasty bout with food poisoning several years back after cooking and eating a bowl of soup from a can of soup that had previously been stored in a food cabinet in the garage for several months during the hot summer heat.
When the severe stomach cramping hit several hours after eating the soup, I immediately drank three ounces of 20 ppm colloidal silver. This caused my body to do a severe "flush" (i.e., a polite term for diarrhea) three times in a row, over the course of the next two hours as the silver began killing the food poisoning pathogens.
After the 'flushing' ended, I took seven capsules of Lactobacillus acidophilus to help prevent any of the food poisoning pathogens left from re-colonizing my digestive tract. That's called "competitive inhibition," a healing technique for food poisoning that I learned from nutritional supplement expert George Foss.
By the next day, I was feeling more or less back to normal, and happy that my time at the commode was quite limited compared to past food poisoning episodes when colloidal silver was unavailable.
To learn how to make your own high-quality colloidal silver, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for less than 36 cents a quart, just click the link in this sentence.
And to learn how other people use colloidal silver to heal a wide variety of infections and diseases, see these real-life testimonials.
Finally, for nearly 100 more great articles on the powerful healing and infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver, check out the Colloidal Silver Update page of The Silver Edge website.
Meanwhile, I'll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver…
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,
Steve Barwick, author
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
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