Re: TNBC [Triple Negative Breast Cancer]related to high copper levels
That would be my thought. I was reporting what I had read and thought it rather interesting.
Copper is often said to help prevent cancer, in this case they are finding women with TNBC have high copper levels. So, my thought is, if that is the case, why don't we look at the why not just go after the high level as a symptom? Mainstream constantly looks at everything as a symptom that needs to be dealt with and they should be looking at something like a high copper level as a hint or sign as to what is the cause or part of the cause.
At Jesicha's Hope we advocate that all that come to us, need to look for the cause or causes, like building blocks, each block is a reason or part of the cause for their cancer; it takes many elements to create the perfect storm within the body to cause the cancer to begin and then grow. We advocate that they go to a doctor and ask for a full blood analysis, nutrient levels, toxins and heavy metals; with that you can see what is high and what is low; what metals are present and what toxins are present. IF mainstream had been doing this the high copper levels would not be some great surprise; they would have noticed it long ago. Also if mainstream did not take such information and deal with it like it was a symptom to get rid of without considering the why; we would be dealing with cancer in a whole different way.
Doctors are no longer trained to make people well but to keep them chronic for as long as possible in order to extract the very last dollar the patient has. No longer do the try to make you well but only to keep you thinking they are making you well so they can keep making money. Symptoms are no longer a clue to what is making you sick so they can cure you but only something they can throw another drug at.