Part I
I am going to side with shroom in spite of shrimpy(aka spence987) counter claims. I think that shrimpy has valid points on proper diagnosis and traditional prescriptive treatments, but there are too many case studies where this has failed. Which is not shrimpy's fault nor the doctor's but rather from the resistance factors of parasites.
Unfortunately there are not simple answers in the treatment of parasites. (4) Sadly it is up to the patient to get the help as doctors simply are failing at their tasks, yet it is the patient who is punished both emotionally and monetarily. If the medical system would do their job then this forum would not exist. They simply do not provide 'deliverables' but rather rely on 'opinions' in which case I might as well try tarot card readings.
Evidence pours in concerning the MDR organisms that are continuing to develop and the CDC among others continually warns us that this is a major issue.
Antibiotic resistance is on the rise and the death toll from them is 23,000 per year according to the CDC (1)
Mutations are evolving at a faster rate than previously which means new subtypes are developing leaving clinicians confused. (2)
Pleomorphism was a contested theory but biofilm studies have proved that pleomorphism occurs. Pleomorphism is the ability for one organism to 'inject' its DNA into another organism, creating a hybrid of sorts. This was told to me by a prominent researcher in biofilms. Link for video showing pleomorphism under the microscope (3)
In my opinion, shroom is well right about his observations. Medical training qualifications do not preclude 'knowledge' - and there is no Universal rule that says a lay person cannot learn. Doctors were not predestined to become super beings, and anyone who holds them in that regard simply are naive. I know this industry and know the people involved, many I would not trust for anything. Alcoholism and drug addiction is rampant in that industry and many of them are better as actors then scientists. Medicine is a business and I seriously question that they have my best interests at heart. Although that is not to say that some of them are good people but good people can be wrong. I congratulate shroom for his research and attempts to understand this subject.