Help! Itching, burning, fast heart beat
Hi I've started taking
Lugol's 2% for two weeks now, adding dose every day. I didn't experience much reaction except some urine odor and difficulty to fall asleep sometimes. I started to supplement selenium a few days ago, and as I reached 50mg of
Iodine today (20 drops), I decided to take all of the recommended supplements during dinner (selenium 100mcg, Vitamin C 500mg, magnesium 300mg, niacin 500mg, riboflavin 100mg).
Very soon after I took all of these, maybe only 10 minutes, I felt that the rims of my ears started to get hot and almost burning. I checked the mirror and the rims of my ears are very red. Then suddenly, both of my arms began to itch badly, then my back itched, and then my chest, neck, and jaw. My face and body began to get hotter and redder, as if on fire. I feel parts of my body burning. My legs and feet reacted last, but they were the hottest, they don't feel like my legs anymore. My skin became pink rather than white-yellowish. When I put my hand over my heart, I felt like it's pounding like 120 times per minute. I didn't measure but I can feel the speed. However I don't particular feel the heart beat unless I put my hand on it.
Now, about an hour after, all the hotness, burn, and redness gradually went away. My hands are now actually colder tha usual, like ice cold. I look paler than usual now too.
Does anyone know what could have been going on? Is it detox or could I have been allergic to something in the supplement? I took only half of the supplements today and was planning to take full tomorrow in two meals. should I still do that? Or take half? Or stop? Thank you for any insight and/or advice!