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Re: Methotrexate
jsl123 Views: 1,136
Published: 12 y
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Re: Methotrexate

If you actually have a look healing there was only two people that ever tried methotrexate now the first was Jodi now she claimed she didn't even have ec just a rare lip condition she didn't get the chronic crusty yellow scabs so we can rule her out... Now the second person was a guy called tiger he posted on here for about 2 years his last two post were on methotrexate he had only been useing it for a couple of weeks and then he never ever posted again he vanished.... And as Iv said and so have you everybody will react differently to drugs but in regards to methotrexate and imuran and cyclosporine etc etc there hasn't been enough history I.e enough ec sufferers to trial immunosuppressants to rule them out! But anyway good to hear from you and hope your schooling is going great would be sweet if you could still pop in once every 6 months or something in regards to me yes early days on imuran still I do a fortnightly update so keep eye out although on such a low dose so I don't expect to see any results till after 6 weeks and I'm contemplating just leavening them alone like the Asian lady did during treatment cause all this moisturizing is just making my lip skin shed every second or 3 rd day! f*** I can't wait much longer before someone finds a cure it will come one day technology is to great next 5 or so years inflammatory skin conditions will be a thing of the past! Peace


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