Andrew Bartzis: 9/11 - A Multidemsional Time War Event
At 24 minutes: What kind of technology took out the twin towers?
All 20 parts:
Was 9/11 forseen?
It was & it wasn't.
There were people that knew it was coming. And there were others that agreed it was coming, but really didn't understand what it was going to be.
The Twin Towers basically existed on all of the time lines, and got attacked on all of the timelines at the exact same time. And when time lines began fading & fading & fading, and we get back to the center graduation timeline, which is the one that affects all the other ones, is what the sum result of what we have is a hole in the ground... It was giving away how fake it is.
See this is the dream time of the past event, allowing those people, who weren't ready to leave, to go back to that... that time... & fix it. So they can graduate in the future...
It [9/11] was a designed paradox... the thing is... the system has to respond to paradox... They created a system of a worldwide camera fear event. And the world said, "Okay, you're going to put on a worldwide fear event that's a paradox, let's really up the ante, and put 10 million people, all time traveling, to try to stop it. Let's role the dice.
The net effect of that was ten years of fear & a Truther Movement that never existed before, worldwide.
The Twin Towers happened for many reasons:
The Twin Towers was 27 layers of time travel wars, all coinciding at the exact moment the first airplane was figured out to be a terrorist. And at that time, you had six(6) local realities all intersecting on timeline manifestations, 5200 races tyring to counter it, and 15 multidimensional beings with 200 million parts of themselves in psychic influencing, all ascending (descending?) at that exact point to try to create it, while you had millions trying to stop it.
And it happened for two reasons:
1) It broke several dozen timelines down to being camouflage, because they showed their hand by making this destruction, and those several dozen timelines allowed them to shutdown hundreds & thousands of others, reduce the big giant spider web-weave of fake timelines down to a predictable model.
So, they showed their hand by creating fear for ten years of energy, which gave the counter forces a greater predictive ability for what was to happen next....