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ALBENDAZOLE & IVERMECTIN PROTOCOL: Strongyloides, Morgellons, & Filariasis

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ICU Views: 5,653
Published: 12 y
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ALBENDAZOLE & IVERMECTIN PROTOCOL: Strongyloides, Morgellons, & Filariasis

Hi Jodie ~~

Ref:  Albendazole & Ivermectin Protocol:  Strongyloides, Morgellons, & Filariasis

Yes, I'm parasite free & still take a weekly maintenance dose of ivermectin to keep any remaining encysted parasites sterile & prevent reinfection.

The protocol recommends Ivermectin be taken for 5 or more weeks or until infection is cured.  Since each person's case varies in severity of infection, you can stop it earlier or take it longer, as needed. 


"Ivermectin (Stromectol):  1 dose*, based on .2mg/kg, 1 hr before bedtime, on empty stomach, with 8oz water or beverage.  Take dose for 4 days on, 3 days off.  Repeat dosage every week (even during off-days of Albendazole) for 5 or more weeks, as needed, to cure infection.
Alternate Dosage Schedule:  For severe hyperinfection cases, follow this schedule instead of the above:  Take dose for 7 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on.  Continue the "pulse method" of 2 days off, 2 days on, etc, even during off-days of Albendazole, until infection is cured."
I'm not allowed to update/edit the protocol, but I've posted several tips & answered numerous questions over the years.  Offhand, I recall these:
~ Consuming 40g fat w/Albendazole:
~ Topical skin treatment w/antifungal meds:
For those unable to take Bactrim, I'd recommend Cephalexin/Keflex as a fantastic antibiotic instead. 
During treatment, also suggest taking the vitamins & supplements (especially Vitamin C twice daily!) listed in this post under Other
Suggest you browse my post history for other relevant info:
Good luck & keep us posted on your husband's progress!
Cheers ~~ ICU


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