Re: Need an herb for anxiety/depression
Hi there. I always felt worse after getting off an anti-depressant too. Have you tried tyrosine? I have found it to really help me out a lot. It is an essential amino acid. 5-htp did nothing for me. The tyrosine may take about a week to work but I was really impressed. It's not that expensive either.
DMAE seemed pretty good too again not real expensive. I've heard that NADH is effective but I haven't tried it. Taking live bacteria like in yogurt has done wonders too along with eating the right foods. No sugar, no bread, best to eliminate dairy products too if you can. Try these I think you will be impressed.
St. John's Wort has helped a lot of people but it didn't help me. You may be different though, as everyone's body chemistry is.
Sometimes its more than serotonin that is defficient in us sometimes dopamine and norepinephrine are low or off balance too. I found that to be true too.
Cleanses really do help too I've found. I still have to take the tyrosine but they do help especially the bowel and liver cleanse.
If I think of anymore I will post it on here.
Good luck to you I hope you feel better soon.