A little about myself. I've 50 years old and a disabled veteran rated at 80% disabled due to my knees needing to be replaced. I've been in a great deal of pain for the last 4 years. Due to my age and the fact that replacement joints only last 15 years on average the doctors keep telling me to wait it out as long as I can before having surgery.
I've been making and drinking Kefir for about two weeks now. My pain is almost completely gone. Even my elbow was giving me problems but that pain is almost gone as well. I've been on all sorts of medications and some worked, but none as good as Kefir appears to be working for me. I'm not 100% sure Kefir is what's doing this, but over the last four years I haven't felt this good. Not just my joints but my daily life seems to be better. I'm more energized and alert. My mood is also better.
I plan on making and drinking this awesome food for as long as I can. Hopefully it will also help with my blood pressure and cholesterol so I can completely get off medications.
Well I just wanted to share that with someone that has the same interest as I do. I shared with some people I know and they think I'm crazy and that Kefir is nothing more than spoiled milk.