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Re: Can I take the following herbs everyday for life?
Rob1984 Views: 1,679
Published: 12 y
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Re: Can I take the following herbs everyday for life?

Larvae or pig tapeworms, from eating raw or undercooked pork meat can go into the bloodstream to the brain and form cysts there called neurocysticercosis, diagnosed by MRI. Symptoms include seizures, strokes, epilepsy, numbness in limbs, blindness, migraines and death. Herbs don't do anything against that, you should use Praziquantel for a month in combination with corticosteroids to avoid swelling and inflammation which could lead to death. But you would probably be in some kind of ICU when it comes to that.

Theres also Taxoplasmosis Gondii, that can form cysts in the brain, you can get it from petting cats and cats faeces since they are common hosts. About 1 billion people have had a T Gondii infection, and unless your immune system is compromised by AIDS or some other immuno difficiency, your body should rid itself from it, just like any other bacterial infection.

My 2 cents about the anti parasitic herbs everyday for life would be not to do it, Maybe Tumeric but the Clove WNH and Wormwood are rather toxic and will weaken your body.

I would say that after you used a course of medication or herbs to invest in a healthy organic balanced diet Genetically-Modified-Organisms free, no gluten and wheat regain strength to boost your immune system to fight the infections off itself. Working out everyday and break a good sweat should also help in improving neurochemistry, get physically stronger and sweating out toxins of dead parasites, instead of keeping your body permanently in a toxic weak state.

And zapping the brain, I don't know, I tried it and saw flashing lights lol and gave me a metallic taste in my mouth. Holding it against my jaw though did reduce a toothache.


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